What Is The Future of DACA?

2 min readJan 20, 2017

You’ve probably heard rumors floating around about Trump ending DACA, the program that protects over 800,000 people from deportation, as soon as Friday. These are rumors. Nothing Confirmed.

But here’s what we know: #REALTALK:

1. You are not alone. We’ve got your back.

Trump could do this Friday or Monday or Tuesday, etc. You get the point. We don’t know for sure but what we do know is this: People like you made DACA happen when everyone thought it was impossible. The reason we succeeded is because we dared to dream together and we had each other. In this moment of uncertainty one thing is certain, we are not alone. Join us in our #HereToStay campaign to fight to protect DACA! Text HereToStay to 877877

2. What Happens to my DACA?

Donald Trump has said he will end most if not all of Obama’s executive actions, including DACA, and we won’t know for sure what he will do until he comes into office.

3. First time applying for DACA? Hold off.

If you are applying for DACA for the first time, we recommend that you hold off. The reality is that we don’t know what he will do

4. Applying for a DACA renewal?

If you’re applying for DACA renewal you should know that USCIS is processing applications but there is no guarantee that your application will be processed. Be prepared for the possibility of losing the fee. IF you CHOSE to renew your DACA, please note that as of December 23, 2016, the fee to renew your DACA is $495.

5. Got advance parole? COME BACK ASAP

Because it is uncertain what Trump will do, we recommend that if you are currently out of the country on Advance Parole through DACA, please come back to the U.S. as soon as possible. Similarly, if you’re planning on applying for advance parole, we recommend that you hold off!

Again we are not alone in this, we all have each other’s backs. But we need your support now. If you know an undocumented immigrant, this is your time to rise up with us in action. If you are someone feeling anxiety today over losing DACA — we’re with you.

Join our community call this Monday January 23 by texting HereToStay to 877877 or signing up here.




UWD is the first and largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation & advocates for the dignity of immigrant families, regardless of immigration status.